Class 6 - Computer - Word Processor Tabular Presentation - Exercise And Solutions


I. State whether the following statements are True/False:

1. We can insert a row but not a column in a table. (FALSE)
2. We can delete a table along with its contents (TRUE)
3. By dragging the two-headed arrow sideways the column width can
be increased or decreased. (FALSE)
4. Merging cells are same as splitting cells. (FALSE)
5. WE can delete columns as well as rows in a table. (TRUE)

II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Table is defined as a grid of rows and columns.
2. The ‘layout’ button is available on the menu bar under the table tools
3. A table is inserted in a document with respect to the position of the
4. Rows state information that is represented horizontally in a table.
5. The lines that mark the cell boundaries are called gridlines.
III. Mention the shortcut keys for the following:
(i) Align the text left - Ctrl + L
(ii) Align the text right - Ctrl + R
(iii) Center alignment - Ctrl + E
(iv) Justify - Ctrl + J

IV. Name three types of vertical alignments:
(a) Top                (b) Center                   (c) Bottom
V. Name three types of horizontal alignment:
(a) Align text left                 (b) Align text right     (c) Align center text.

I. Write short notes on the following:
1. Cell
Intersection of a row and column is a cell.
2. Resizing a table
Increasing or decreasing the size of a table as per requirement is
known as resizing a table. A table can be resized length-wise or
width-wise depending upon the data item.
3. Merging and splitting of cells
When one or more cells are combined and converted in to a single
cell it is said to be merging of cells. On the other hand when a cell is
divided in to a number of cells it is called splitting of cells. Splitting of
cells is reverse of merging of cells.
4. Cell alignment
Cell alignment defines the position of data/text placed within the
boundary of a cell. There are two different types of cell alignment.
(i) Vertical alignment (ii) Horizontal alignment. Vertical alignment is
further categorised as Top, center and bottom. Horizontal alignment is
further categorised as align text left, align text right, center alignment

and justify.

II. Write all the steps to perform the following task:
1. Creating a table:
Following are the steps to create a table.
Step 1:  Place the cursor on the document where you want to create a
Step 2:  Click on the insert button available on the menu bar.
Step 3:  Select ‘table’ and then ‘Insert table’ from the drop-down list.
Step 4:  Enter the number of columns and rows in the ‘Insert table’
Step 5:  Finally click ‘OK’ and the table will be created.

2. Deleting a column in a table.
Following are the steps to delete a column in a table.
Step 1:  Select the column that has to be deleted.
Step 2:  Click ‘Lay out’ button under the ‘Table tools’ option available on
the menu bar.
Step 3:  Select ‘Delete’ and then ‘Delete columns’ from the drop-down
Thus the selected columns will be deleted.
3. Inserting a row in a table.
Following are the steps to insert a row in a table.
Step 1: Set the cursor in any cell in the row above or below which we want
to insert a row.
Step 2: Click ‘Lay out’ button under the ‘Table tools’ option available on
the menu bar.
Step 3: Click an appropriate option, i.e. ‘Insert bellow’ or ‘Insert above’.
Thus a row will be inserted in the table.

4. Merging cells in a table.
We have to perform the following steps for merging the cells in a table.
Step 1: Select the cells which are to be merged.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Layout’ button under the ‘Table Tools’ option
which is present in the ribbon area.
Step 3: Select the option ‘Merge Cells’.
Thus the selected cells will be merged in to a single cell. Now we
can write texts in the merged cells.

5. Changing the row height in a table.
We have to perform the following steps for changing the row height in
a table.
Step 1: Select a cell or cells of the desired table.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Layout’ button under the ‘Table Tools’ option. It will
display the default table row height in the ‘Cell Size’ area.
Step 3: Click the drop down arrow button to change the height of the
row to a specific measurement.

Thus the row height will be changed as per our needs.

6. Adding borders to a table.
We have to perform the following steps for adding borders to a table.

Step 1: Select the cell or cells of the desired table where a border is to
be added.
Step 2: Click the ‘Design’ button from ‘Table Tools’ option followed by
the ‘border’ button.
Step 3: Click on the drop-down arrow button to select the desired
border type.

Thus the border will be added to the selected cells.


Extra Questions and Answers

A. Objective Questions
I. Fill in the blanks.
a) Columns state information that is represented vertically in a table.
b) A rectangular arrangement of data or text in the form of horizontal and
vertical lines is called a Matrix.
c) A row can be inserted in a table either above or below.
d) A column can be inserted in a table either in the left or right.
e) A table can be presented in an attractive manner by adding borders
and shading.
f) A table can be deleted by using the delete table option under the
delete button in the lay out option.
g) By default, MS Word aligns text in a table to the top left corner of a cell.
h) The resizing of table means decreasing or increasing the table size
i) Splitting of cells is the reverse of merging of cells.
j) An alignment defines the position of data/text placed within the
boundary of a cell.
k) MS Word provides a feature that help us to create table in a document. .          
l) A cell is the smallest unit of a table that is formed at the intersection of a
row and a column.
m) We can delete a row in the table by selecting delete rows option under
the delete button.
n) We can delete a column in the table by selecting delete columns
option under  the delete button.
o) While dragging the double headed arrow it changes to a plus sign.
p) The resize handle appears on the lower right corner of the table.
q) The ‘Table tools’ option is active only when a table is selected.
r) By default the texts are aligned to the left in a table.
s) The ‘Alignment’ button lies under the ‘Home’ button in the ‘paragraph’

t) You can change the size of a table width wise by dragging the ‘plus’
pointer horizontally.
u) To resize a table by its length and breadth proportionally, we have to
drag the table boundary diagonally.
v) You can change the size of a table height wise by dragging the ‘plus’
pointer vertically.
w) Splitting of cells increases the number of sub-cells within the selected
x) Merging of cells combines many cells to be one single cell.
II. Mention the shortcut keys for the following:
a) To open a new document (New)                      : Ctrl + N
b) To open an existing document (Open)           : Ctrl + O
c) To save an existing document (Save)              : Ctrl + S
d) To get a hard copy of a file (Print)                    : Ctrl + P
e) To view a document before printing (Print preview) : Ctrl + F2
f) Cut                  : Ctrl + X
g) Copy              : Ctrl + C
h) Paste              : Ctrl + V
i) Undo                : Ctrl + Z
j) Redo                : Ctrl + Y
k) To change the appearance of the text (Font)    : Ctrl + Shift + F
l) To change the size of the text (Font size)          : Ctrl + Shift + P
m) To highlight the text (Bold)                             : Ctrl + B
n) To change the text to Italic form (Italic)          : Ctrl + I
o) To draw a line below the text (Underline)       : Ctrl + U
p) To align the text at the left indent (Align text left) : Ctrl + L
q) To align the text at the center (Center text)            : Ctrl + E
r) To align the text at the right indent (Align text right)       : Ctrl + R
s) To align the text from either side of the margin (Justify)  : Ctrl + J
III. Short Questions and Answers.
a) Define a ‘Table’. How it is useful for us?
A table is a grid of rows and columns that intersect to form cells. A
table is useful in performing various tasks such as, presenting text
information and numerical data. It also helps to insert text, pictures
and another table in to it.

b) What is a matrix and name the short cut key used for changing the
font size?
A rectangular arrangement of data in the form of horizontal and
vertical lines is called a ‘Matrix’. The short cut key used for changing
the font size is Ctrl + Shift + P.

c) What are the major tasks we can perform on tables?
Some of the major tasks performed on a table are
i) Inserting rows or columns.
ii) Deleting rows or columns.
iii) Changing the row height in a table.
iv) Changing the column width in a table.

d) Why sometimes it becomes necessary to change the row height in a
After creating a table, sometimes it is possible that the texts don’t
appear in the rows as per our need. In such case it becomes
necessary to change the row height to make the information appear
in a better way.

e) What is the short cut method to change the row height?
To change the height of a row set the pointer on the row boundary
which is to be moved, until it becomes a two headed arrow and then
drag the boundary.

f) Why sometimes it becomes necessary to change the column width
in a table?
It is possible that the text may not fit within a particular cell while
entering it and it results in increasing the row height. In such case,
we need to change the column width to make the information
appear in abetter way.

g) What is the short cut method to change the column width?
To change the width of a column, place the pointer on the column
boundary which is to be moved until it becomes a two headed arrow
and then drag the boundary.

h) What is vertical alignment and its different categories?
In vertical alignment the text are arranged in upright direction in the
selected cell/cells. There are three categories of vertical alignment.
i) Top: Align Top Left, Align Top Center, Align Top Right.
ii) Center: Align Center Left, Align Center, Align Center Right,.
iii) Bottom: Align Bottom Left, Align Bottom Center ,Align Bottom Right.

i) What is horizontal alignment and its different categories?
In horizontal arrangement the text are arranged within the same level
of the selected cell/cells. Horizontal arrangement is categorised in to
four different ways.
i) Align text Left, ii) Align Center Text, iii) Align Text Right, iv) Justify

V. Long questions and answers.
a) Write the steps to add different styles to a table.
The steps to be followed to add different styles to a table are
Step 1: Click on the table.
Step 2: Click the ‘Design’ button under the ‘Table Tools’ option and
different table styles will appear in the ribbon area.
Step 3: Select the style as per your choice.
Thus the table will be changed to the selected style.

b) Write the steps for inserting columns in a table.
Following steps are to be followed while inserting columns in a table.
Step 1: Set the cursor in any cell in the column right or left where you want
to insert a column.
Step 2: Click the ‘Layout’ button under the ‘Table Tools’ option.
Step 3: Click on the appropriate option ‘Insert Right’ or ‘Insert Left’.
Thus a column will be inserted in the table.
c) Write the steps to change the column width in a table.
Following steps shall be performed while changing the column width in a
Step 1: Select the cell/cells of the desired table.
Step 2: Click the ‘Layout’ button under the ‘Table Tools’ option. It will
display the default table column width in the ‘Cell Size’ area.
Step 3: Click the down arrow button to change the width of the column.
Thus the width of the column will be changed as per our need.
d) Write the steps for deleting a row in a table.
Following steps shall be performed while deleting a row in a table.
Step 1: Select the row that is to be deleted.
Step 2: Click the ‘Layout’ button under the ‘Table Tools’ option.
Step 3: Select ‘Delete’ and then ‘Delete Rows’ option from the drop
down list.
Thus the selected row will be deleted.
e) Write the steps for applying shading to a table.
Following steps shall be performed while applying shading to a table.
Step 1: Select the table.
Step 2: Click the ‘Design’ button under the ‘Table Tools’ option and then
click on the ‘Shading’ button.
Step 3: Click on the drop down arrow button to choose any color from
the ‘Theme Colors’. A wide range of colours are also available
by clicking on the ‘More Colors’ option.
Step 4: Click the ‘Standard’ button in the ‘Colors’ window.
Step 5: Select a colour from the colour palette.
Step 6: Click the ‘Custom’ button in the ‘Colors’ window and adjust the
brightness of the selected colour with the help of an arrow key.
Step 7: Finally click ‘OK’.
Thus the shading will be applied to the selected table.
f) Write the steps for resizing a table.
Following steps shall be performed while resizing a table.
Step 1: Select the table to be resized.
Step 2: Place the mouse pointer at the bottom right of the table The
resize handle (A double headed arrow) will appear on the
lower right corner of the table.
Step 3: Drag the table boundary diagonally. The table will resize its length
and breadth proportionally.
Step 4: Release the mouse button.
Thus the new size of the table will appear on the screen.

g) Write the steps for splitting the cells.
Following steps shall be performed while splitting the cells.
Step 1: Select the cell/cells to be split.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Layout’ button under the ‘Table Tools’ option which is
present in the ribbon area.
Step 3: Select the option ‘Split Cells’.
Step 4: Enter the number of columns and rows in the ‘Split Cells’ window to
split the selected cells.
Step 5: Finally click ‘OK’.
Thus the selected cells will be splitted as per our need.


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