Class 6 Physics - Force - Exercise and Solutions


A. Objective Questions

1. Write TRUE or FALSE for each statement.

a) The frictional force acts in the direction of motion of body. FALSE
b) The unit of weight is kilogram. FALSE
c) A force can change the direction of motion of a moving body. TRUE
d) A force increases the mass of the body when applied on it. FALSE
e) The force of friction is always disadvantageous. FALSE
f) The sliding friction is more than the rolling friction. FALSE
g) Liquids offer more friction than the gases. TRUE
h) A wet oily road offers more friction than a dry rough road. FALSE

2. Fill in the blanks

a) Force is applied as push or pull.
b) On squeezing a gum tube, its shape changes.
c) On pulling a string its length increases.
d) A moving football when kicked, its direction of motion changes.
e) On applying brakes on a moving car its speed slows down.
f) We use ball bearing to reduce the friction.
g) Friction opposes motion.
h) Lubricants are used to reduce friction.
i)  Friction causes wear and tear of moving parts of a machine.

3. Match the following columns:

Column A                                            Column B

a)      Non contact force                       i)       repel
b)      Like poles                                  ii)       kg
c)      Contact force                            iii)      Gravitational force
d)      Mass                                         iv)     wear and tear
e)      Weight                                       v)      force of friction
f)       Friction                                     vi)     kgf

Ans. a-(iii), b-(i), c-(v), d-(ii), e-(vi), f-(iv)

4. Select the correct alternative.

i)    The body falls downwards because of
a) electrical force            b) gravitational force            
c) mechanical force       d) magnetic force
ii)    A force does not change
a) mass     b) length  c) shape   d) state of motion
iii)    A force is to be expressed correctly requires
a) only the magnitude      b) only the direction    
c) Both                             d) None
iv)    Friction
a) promotes motion                               b) opposes motion
c) acts in the direction of motion          d) it always a nuisance
v)     Friction is reduced by
a) making the surface weight             b) making the surface dry
c) making the surface rough                 d) sprinkling sand on the surface
vi)     Friction is increased if
a) an oil is sprayed                        b) the surface are made wet
c) the surface are made dry        d) the surface are polished

B. Short/Long answer questions

1. Name the term used for push or pull.
The push or pull is termed as force.

2. Give one example each of a force as (i) a push, (ii) a pull, (iii) a stretch
and  (iv) a squeeze.
(i)      A push: When we move a trolley the force applied as a push.
(ii)     A pull:   When we open a door the force applied as a pull.
(iii)    A stretch: When a rubber expands the force applied as a stretch.
(iv)    A squeeze: When we use a tooth paste the force applied as a squeeze

3. Explain the meaning of the term force.
Force is the cause which changes the state of motion or the state of rest of an object. It can also changes the size and shape of a body. The force is expressed by both its magnitude and direction. The S.I unit of force is Newton.

4. What effect can a force have on a stationary body?
When a force applied on a stationary body the body begins to move.
For example a car originally at rest when pushed, begins to move.

5. What effect can a force have on a moving body?
The force applied on a moving body can have the following effects.
a) It can stop or slow down the moving body if applied in the direction
opposite to the motion of the moving body.
b) It can make the moving body move faster if applied in the direction
of motion of the moving body.
c) It can change the direction of the moving body if applied in a
direction other than the direction of the moving body.

6. What effect can a force produce on a body which is not allowed to

When a force applied on a body which cannot move, it gets deformed.
The size and shape of the body changes. For example, when we
squeeze a piece of rubber, its shape changes. Also when we stretch
a rubber string its length increases.

7. Give one example each to indicate that the application of a force
a) produces motion  b) stops motion       c) slows down motion
d) changes the direction of motion   e) deforms a body

a) Produces motion: A car which is originally at rest when pushed, it
begins to move.
b) Stops motion: A moving bicycle stops, when the brake is applied.
c) Slows down motion: The speed of a moving vehicle is slowed
down by applying brakes.
d) Changes the direction of motion: When a player kicks a moving
football its direction changes.
e) Deforms a body: On stretching a rubber string its length increases.

8. State the effect produced by a force in the following cases.
a) The sling of a rubber catapult is stretched.
b) A man pushes a heavy cart
c) A player uses his tricks to deflect the ball.
d) A cyclist applies brakes.
e) A spring is compressed.

a) The shape and size of the catapult changes. The length of the
rubber increases.
b) The cart begins to move.
c) The direction of movement of the ball changes.
d) The moving cycle stops or its speed slows down.

e) There is a change in the shape and size of the spring.

9. Name the two kinds of force in nature.
The two kinds of force in nature are
(i) contact force, Example: Muscular force and Frictional force etc.
(ii) Non contact force, Example: Gravitational force, Magnetic force
and electrostatic force etc.

10.  Name the types of force which acts in the following cases:
a) A coolie lifts a luggage.
Muscular force
b) A bicycle comes to rest slowly when the cyclist stops pedaling.
Frictional force
c) A stone falls from a roof
Gravitational force
d) A comb rubbed with silk attracts bits of paper
Electrostatic force
e) A string hangs with a load
Force of tension
f) A horse moves a cart
Muscular force
g) A magnet attracts an iron pin
Magnetic force
h) A boy opens a door
Muscular force
i) An apples fall from a tree
Gravitational force
j) A man rows a boat
Muscular force

11. What do you mean by the gravitational force? Give an example
to illustrate it.
Gravitational force is the force of attraction between two bodies at a
distance, such as the force of attraction between two heavenly bodies.
Example: When we through a ball upward it goes to a certain height
and then returns back to the ground.

12. Define the term “weight of a body”.
The weight of a body is the force with which the earth pulls the
body. It is expressed in gravitational unit kgf or gf.

13. What do you understand by the term friction?
Friction is the force that opposes the relative motion between the two
surfaces in contact with each other. The word friction is derived from
the Latin word “fricare” which means to “rub”.

14. Give an example to illustrate the existence of force of friction.
If we stop pedalling a bicycle, it slows down and finally stops after
travelling   a certain distance. It stops because of the force of friction
between the bicycle tyre and the road. Again to start the bicycle we
have to apply a force on the pedal greater than the force of friction
between the tyres and the road. This proves the existence of force of

15. What is the cause of friction?
The interlocking of the irregular projections on the two surfaces in
contact causes friction.

16. State two factors which directly affect the force of friction.
The two factors that directly affect the force of friction are
i) The smoothness of the surface
ii) The weight of the moving body on the surface

17. In which case there will be more friction between the truck and the
road: when the truck is empty or when it is loaded?
When the truck is loaded.

18. Which offers more friction on a body: a glass surface or a wooden
A wooden surface.

19. Name the three kinds of friction.
The three kinds of friction are
i) Static friction
ii) Sliding friction
iii) Rolling friction

20. List three disadvantages of friction.
Three disadvantages of friction are
i) Friction decreases the efficiency, because it opposes the motion
of a body.
ii) Friction causes wear and tear in the moving parts.
iii) Friction produces heat.

21. When you apply the brakes, the bicycle stops and the rim of the
wheel becomes hot. Explain the reason.
When we apply the brakes of a bicycle, the brakes come in contact
with the wheel rim and friction takes place between the brakes and
the rim. Due to this frictional force heat is produced and the rim
becomes hot.

22. The eraser gets smaller and smaller as you use it more and more.
Explain the reason.
When we use an eraser it’s surface gets in contact with the surface
we erase and friction occurs. This friction causes wear and tear of
the eraser. Due to this the eraser gets smaller and smaller as we use
it more and more.

23. List three ways of reducing friction
Three ways to reduce friction are
i) By making the surface smooth
ii) By using lubricants
iii) By using ball bearings

24. It is difficult to open an inkpot with greasy or oily hands. Explain.
When the hands are greasy or oily, then the oil or grease act as a
lubricant which help in reducing the friction. As the frictional force
become less, it is difficult to open the inkpot.

25. It is difficult to walk on a wet road. Explain.
When a road becomes wet, the frictional force reduced due to
lubrication and the road becomes slippery. Due to this it is difficult to
walk on a wet road.

26. Give three examples to illustrate that friction is a necessary evil.
Most of our daily activities depend on the existence of friction. The
friction less world will not be at all convenient. Following examples
show that friction is a necessary evil.
Example 1: Friction helps us to stop a vehicle by applying brakes.
Without friction a moving vehicle cannot be stopped and will lead to
Example 2: In the absence of friction the roads will become slippery
and we would not be able to walk on the road.
Example 3: Friction is necessary to burn a matchstick.

27. Define (i) static friction (ii) sliding friction and (iii) rolling friction.

(i) Static friction: The maximum opposing force between the object
and the surface in contact, which makes the object remain
stationary even on applying the external force is known as static
friction. It is self-adjusting.
(ii) Sliding friction: When an object begins to slide on a surface, the
force exerted by the surface on the object is called the sliding
friction. It is the force required to keep the object in motion over
the surface. It is less than the static friction.
(iii) Rolling friction: When an object rolls over a surface, the force which
opposes the rolling motion of the object is called the rolling friction.
Rolling friction is less than the sliding friction.

28. Arrange the following in descending order of magnitude.
(i) static friction  (ii) sliding friction  (iii) rolling friction

Static friction > Sliding friction > Rolling friction

29. A body needs a force F1 just to start motion on a surface, a force F2
to continue its motion and a force F3 to roll on the surface. What is
(i) the static friction (ii) sliding friction and (iii) rolling friction?
State whether F2 is equal, less than or greater than (i) F1 and (ii) F3.

(i) Static friction is F1
(ii) Sliding friction is F2
(iii) Rolling friction is F3
F2 is less than F1 and F2 is greater than F3


Extra Questions and Answers

A. Objective Questions
1. Fill in the blanks

(a) Friction depends on the weight of the moving object.
(b) Shoes and tyres have treads on the surface to increase the friction
with the road.
(c) Rolling friction offers less resistance than sliding friction.
(d) Movement of a body is obtained as a result of a push or a pull.
(e) Force is the cause which tends to result in the movement of a body.
(f) When a force applied on a body which is not allowed to move. It
gets deformed.
(g) A force is expressed by stating both its magnitude and direction.
(h) Two forces acting on a body in the same direction get added to give
the resultant force.
(i) Two forces acting on a body in the opposite direction get subtracted
to give the resultant force.
(j) The S.I unit of force is Newton (N)
(k) The gravitational units of force are kgf and gf.
(l) 1kgf = 1000 gf and 1 kgf = 10N (nearly).
(m) Depending upon the application of forces they are classified in to
Contact forces and non-contact forces.
(n) The force of attraction between two heavenly bodies is known as
gravitational force.
(o) Like poles repel each other while the unlike poles attracts each other.
(p) Gravitational force is always attractive.
(q) The electrostatic and magnetic forces can be attractive as well as
(r) When the distance of separation is doubled the magnitude of
Non-contact force becomes one fourth.
(s) The magnitude of non-contact forces depends on the distance of
separation .
(t) Friction is the force of contact.
(u) Greater the weight of the moving body more is the force of friction.
(v) The three kinds of friction are static friction, sliding friction and
rolling friction.
(w) We use solid lubricants in the form of powders.
(x) When two forces act on a body which are equal in magnitude, but
opposite in direction, the net force on the body is Zero.
(y) When two forces act in opposite directions, the net force is equal to
the difference of these forces, in the direction of the bigger force.
(z) The sliding friction is less than the static friction but more than the
rolling friction.
2. Name the following:
a) The force which acts on a body by making an actual contact –
Contact force
b) The force applied as a push or pull – Muscular force
c) The force acting on a string when a load is suspended from it –
Tension force
d) Force between two charged bodies at a distance – Electrostatic force
e) Force between the poles of a magnet at a distance – Magnetic force
f) The force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces in
contact with each other – Friction
g) In machines the moving parts gradually wear out due to – Friction
h) The process of giving shape with pointed ends is called – Streamlining
i)  A body not changing its position with time with respect to a nearby
fixed object is said to be  – At rest.
j) A body changing its position with time with respect to a nearby
fixed object is said to be  – In motion.

3. Correct the underlined words.
a) Force of friction acting between two surfaces can be zero.
Force of friction acting between two surfaces cannot be zero.
b) A force changes the mass of the body on which it is applied.
A force does not changes the mass of the body on which it is applied.
c) We can see a force.
We cannot see a force, we can see or feel the effect of force.
d) The frictional force is a non-contact force.
The frictional force is a contact force.
e) Unlike charges repel each other
Unlike charges attracts each other.
f) Gravitational force can be attractive or repulsive.
The electrostatic and magnetic forces can be attractive or repulsive.
g) The magnitude of frictional forces depends upon the distance of
The magnitude of non-contact forces depends upon the distance of
h) Friction always acts in the same direction of motion.
Friction always acts in the opposite direction of motion.
i) The force of friction is more between smooth surfaces.
The force of friction is more between rough surfaces.
j) The force of friction is still less between a solid and a solid.
The force of friction is still less between a solid and a gas.
k) Static friction is less than rolling friction but more than sliding friction.
Sliding friction is less than static friction but more than rolling friction.
l) The force of friction depends on the area of the surface in contact.
The force of friction depends on the smoothness of the surface in

4. Match the following columns.
     Column A                                           Column B
i) S.I. unit of force                                 a) Contact force
ii) A force can not change                     b) Reduce friction
iii) Force of tension                               c) Newton
iv) Unlike poles                                     d) Produces heat
v) Gravitational force                            e) mass of the body
vi) Friction                                             f) Attract each other
vii) Rolling motion                                g) Is always attractive
viii) Zero friction                                   h) kgf
ix) Lubricants                                         i) Practically not possible
x) Weight                                                j) Ball bearings

Ans. i-c, ii-e, iii-a, iv-f, v-g, vi-d, vii-j, viii-i, ix-b, x-h

B. Answer in brief
1. Give three examples of force as push.
Examples of force as push are
a) To open a door we push it.
b) To move a trolley, it is push it.
c) If a car does not start by its engine we have to push it to move.

2. Give three examples of force as pull.
Examples of force as pull are
a) A gardener pulls the grass roller to move it.
b) To move a goods trolley a coolie needs to pull it.
c) We pull a door to open it.

3. What is a balanced force?
If a force applied does not change the state of the body from rest to
motion or from motion to rest, it is called a balanced force,

4. What is an unbalanced force?
If the force applied changes the state of the body from rest to motion
or from motion to rest, it is called an unbalanced force.

5. If two arrows one with a sharp or pointed tip and other with a blunt or
flat tip are thrown in to air, then which will cover larger distance and
The arrow with sharp or pointed tip will cover a larger distance,
because it will experience less friction than the arrow with blunt tip.

6. Explain the types of friction with the help of a flow chart.

 7. Explain with example that a force can move a body originally at rest.
When a force is applied on a body at rest it begins to move.
Example 1: When we push a car originally at rest it begins to move.
Example 2: When we pull a grass roller originally at rest it begins to move.
Example 3: When we kick a ball lying on the ground it begins to move.

8. Explain with example that a force can stop a moving body.
When we apply force on a moving body it stops.
Example 1: A moving bicycle, car or bus stop when we apply the brakes.
Example 2: A moving cricket ball stops when a fielder catches it.

9. Explain with example that a force can make a moving body move faster.
When a force is applied on a moving body in the same direction of
motion the body begins to move faster.
Example 1: The speed of the bicycle increases when we apply more
force on the pedal.
Example 2: A swing moves faster when we push it.

10. Explain with example that a force can change the direction of a
moving body.
When a force is applied on a moving body in a direction other than its
direction of motion, the direction of motion of the body changes.
Example 1: A player kicks a moving ball to change its direction.
Example 2: The direction of a cricket or tennis ball is changed by hitting
it in opposite direction.

11. Explain with example that a force can change the shape and size of a
When a force is applied on a body which is not allowed to move, it
gets deformed.
Example 1: If we will squeeze a piece of rubber its shape changes.
Example 2: On stretching a robber its length changes.

12. Define magnetic force.
The force between the poles of two magnets at a distance is called
magnetic force. Like poles of the magnet repel each other and the
unlike poles of the magnet attract each other.

13. Explain with example that friction produces heat.
Friction produces heat can be explained by the following examples.
Example 1: When we rub our palms they become worm due to friction.
Example 2: When a matchstick is rubbed on a surface it burns due to
the friction.

14. Explain with example that friction causes wear and tear.
Friction causes wear and tear, which can be explained by the
following examples.
Example 1: Tyres of different vehicles wear out when they are
continuously used. This is because of the friction of the tyre
with the road.
Example 2: In machines the moving parts gradually wear out when
they are continuously used due to friction.

C. Long Questions and Answers

1. Give some advantages of friction.
Most of our daily activities are depending upon the friction. The major
advantages of friction are:-
a) In the absence of friction we will be not able to walk on the road.
b) Due to friction it is possible to write on a board by chalk.
c) Friction helps to burn a matchstick.
d) Without friction it will become difficult to brush our teeth.
e) A moving vehicle stops due to friction when we apply brakes.

2. Describe different ways to increase friction.
Friction can be increased by following ways.
By making the surface rough: A rough surface provides more friction
than a  smooth surface. So we can achieve more friction by making
the surface rough.
By using dry surface: A dry surface provides more friction than a wet
surface. So surface can be dried to increase friction.
By increasing the weight: Friction increases as the weight of a moving
objects increases. This develops a better grip to the moving object.

3. What are the commonly used lubricants? How they help in reducing
the friction? Give an example of solid lubricant and its application.
Oil and grease are the commonly used lubricants. When oil and
grease are applied between the moving parts of a machine it fills the
fine pores in the surface of the moving parts and thus reduces friction.
Solid lubricants are used in the form of powders. We spread fine powder
on the carom board to reduce friction between the coins and board.

4. Describe different ways to reduce friction.
Friction can be reduced by the following ways.
a) By making the surface smooth: Friction can be reduced by making
the surface smooth. Roads are cemented to make them smooth.
b) By use of lubricants: Lubricants are applied between the moving
parts of a machine. It fills the fine pores in the surface of the moving
parts and thus reduces friction.
c) By the use of ball bearings: As rolling friction is much less than the
sliding friction, we can use ball bearings to reduce friction. The ball
bearings are used in place of wheels and axles to reduce friction.
d) By streamlining: Friction can be reduced by giving a special shape
to the body. For this the front portion of the body is made pointed
as compared to its rear portion. For example the shape of boat, car
and aeroplane etc. is designed to be streamlined.

5. What is streamlining? How it is helpful show with examples?
The friction experienced by a body moving in water or air can be
reduced by designing a special shape of the body. For this the front
portion of the body is made pointed as compared to its rear portion.
This process of giving shapes with pointed ends is called streamlining.
Streamlining helps in reducing the friction and makes the body to move
Example 1: An arrow with a pointed tip moves faster and covers a
larger distance than the arrow with a blunt tip.
Example 2: The front portion of a boat or an aeroplane is made pointed
which helps them to move faster due to the reduced

6. What are the effects of force?
When a force is applied on a body it can have the following effects.
i) A force can move a body originally at rest.
ii) A force can stop a moving body.
iii) A force can make a moving body move faster.
iv) A force can slow down a moving body.
v) A force can change the direction of motion of a moving body.
vi) A force can change the shape and size of a body.

7. What are the different kinds of forces? Explain with example.
There are two kinds of forces. They are contact forces and non-contact
Contact forces: These are the forces acting on a body by making an
actual contact.
Examples: The muscular force applied as push and pull, the force of
friction or frictional force and the force of tension in a string
when a load is suspended from it.
Non-contact forces: These are the forces acting on bodies without
making any contact with them. These are also
called forces from a distance.
Examples: Gravitational force, Electrostatic force and Magnetic force.

8. Differentiate between the Electrostatic force and the Magnetic force.
Electrostatic force
Magnetic force
This is the force between two charged bodies at a distance.
This is the force between the poles of two magnets at a distance.
Like charges repel each other and the unlike charges attract each other.
Like poles repel each other and the unlike poles attract each other.

 9. Differentiate between the Gravitational force and the Magnetic force.
Gravitational force
Magnetic force
This is the force between two bodies at a distance. For example the force between two heavenly bodies.
This is the force between the poles of two magnets at a distance.
Gravitational force is always attractive.

Magnetic force is attractive as well as repulsive.
Like poles repel each other and the unlike poles attract each other.

10. Give reasons
i)Why rollers are used to move heavy objects on the ground?
ii) Why The vehicle like cars, trucks. Scooters, bicycles and luggage trolleys
etc. are provided with wheels?
i) Rolling friction is lesser than the sliding friction on a body of same mass.
Because of this rollers are used to move heavy objects on the ground.
ii)The vehicle like cars, trucks. Scooters, bicycles and luggage trolleys etc.
are provided with wheels to reduce the friction as Rolling friction is lesser
than the sliding friction.

